August 30, 2009

Skirt of the Week #3

Forget the chance to win another Super Bowl or get revenge on the Packers. I think Megan's the reason Brett Favre came out of retirement to play for the Minnesota Vikings. She's very horny.

August 29, 2009

Economic Crisis Hits My World

Well, I was let go from yet another cheerleading squad last week. I was told the move was made for financial reasons. More specifically, a class-action lawsuit filed against me by every member of the Colorado 14ers' Cheerleaders. The girls claim I made unwanted sexual advances, held onto them "a little too long" during team drills, and was always staring at them "all creepy-like."

I don't want to get into all the he-said, she-said, she-said, she-said, she-said, she-said, she-said, she-said, she-said, she-said, she-said, right now. I'm still completely shocked and devastated by the accusations. But I want to make it clear that I'm 100% innocent and look forward to my day in court. In the meantime, I just need to find a job so I can get the fuck out of my mom's basement.